Sunday, June 8, 2008

Journey from The Marble City to the city of "red dirt"

Blogger's Note: All this week, I will be blogging about my trip to Franklin County, Tennessee which occurred from May 29-31. Come back often this week for more exciting reads and feel free to leave a comment.

(part 1 in a series)

After being up all night working, I was certainly in a mood to be making the 3 hour or so long trip from Knoxville to Tullahoma where my brother lives (hint-sarcasm). I headed out around 6:45 EST and proceeded on I-40 westbound. As I was making my way towards the I-40/I-75 split in West Knox County, I thought briefly as to which route I wanted to take. Personally I was in the mood for a scenic drive given I thought it would lift up my tired frame of mind.

As I headed west, I listened to the song 'What Hurts The Most' by Rascal Flatts three different times on three different stations. Gives you an idea what I do when I travel. I am the same way with the TV which is why I don't watch TV much anymore. I also heard 'Don't by Shania Twain for the first time in a long time. I certainly wasn't in the mood to argue. I stopped by briefly near Cookeville for a quick 30 minute nap, then proceeded on my epic journey westward. I drove past Lebanon in Wilson County, then I took the overpass onto State Route 840 towards Murfreesboro. Then I jumped onto Hwy 24 which heads back east towards Chattanooga. But instead of dealing with anymore highway traffic than I had to, I took Route 231 through Shelbyville, the home of the Tennessee Walking Horse Celebration. Well, I found several horses in a town that is even smaller, but more on that later.

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