Saturday, March 14, 2009

Would You Like To Clone Yourself?

If you could clone yourself, what would your clones do? The original me would sleep all day, party at night and take a vacation when he isn't partying or sleeping. One clone would spend time on the net checking emails, blogging and what not. Another clone would do the nitty gritty like yard work and pay the bills. The third and last clone would be on stand-by should one of my other clones die off or quit.

So, again, if you could clone yourself, what would your clones do?


Amelia said...

My clone would work full time so I had time for TWO full-time jobs and paychecks...with at least 8 hours of sleep for each clone. Cool.

Candice said...

Yeah, I'm thinking along the same lines of Amelia. My clone would do all of the necessary, but boring life tasks, while I would live it up!!